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Home » News » Claz’s Carputer: a Mac in the cockpit as you have never seen before

Claz’s Carputer: a Mac in the cockpit as you have never seen before


Sum up a well known Apple Assistance technician, a curious developer of new ergonomical solutions, a fine kraftman of all things technological and a “Tuning” fan, sum up all these roles in one person and you get Claudio Zamagni, aka Claz: the right fellow who can obtain a more than original Carputer from and old iBook.


As often happens, Claz’s creature has been built up in months and months with experiments, tryouts, research for the best products on the market to accomplish the result and of course a great ability in “do it yourself” from soldering to welding, to sewing.

As often happens even if the result is astonishing (see the pictures with the large monitor on the cockpit and all the videosystem displays lit up), the best reward is the Journey, every single step, well documented trough Macitynet Forum pages with the enthusiastic comments of other readers.

Claudio has put online and impressive amount of details, tricks, tips that every who wants to put a Mac on his car can take as a good advices: from the best wi-fi antenna for wardiving to adapting a Circle touchpad easily reachable by the driver and, what’s unique, how to put a regular 12″ ibook display on your cockpit and make it removable and stable at the same time.


To get trough the long journey in Claz’s Carputer just start from the first pages of this chapters… the Forum is in Italian but if an image counts more thousand words…

Starting Up: first experiments

Searching for the best accessories

Installation and final setup


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