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Apple Store Rome, grand opening


Macitynet posted a gallery 1 and gallery 2 of the grand opening of the Apple Store at ROMAEST mall, the first in mainland Europe.

This morning an astonishing number of fans, probably between 800 and 1000 coming from all around Italy (and someone even from other European countries like Luxemburg and France) starting from the early morning formed a long queue in a parking lot ouside the entrance of the huge mall, then, when the mall opened at 9 AM, they queued just out the store entrance, ordinatly waiting that doors opened.

After the countodown went to zero, the Apple Store employees waiting in a row cheered customers coming inside.

The store gave away 1000 commemorative T-shirts running out of them within an hour.

The grand opening of the Apple Store ROMEST was by far the most crowded and exciting of the long series of events setted for the ROMEST opening. No store had such a long line of people waiting to enter. Even Saturn, among the most known consumer electronics retailers in Italy offering special discounts and one-day-deals for the opening of its really big store in ROMAEST wasn’t able to gather such a large number of people as the Apple Store did.

Click here for the gallery 1 and gallery 2.

More about the grand opening of the Apple Store ROMAEST in the next few hours, starting from our home page in Italian

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